Find out what happens when Tom meets a Leprechaun in a hedge. Tom didn’t even believe in Leprechauns! And now, he’s talking to one. Hmmm.. what about the Leprechauns’ gold, he wonders…
Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse do everything at the same time, but this time, it is not so. Follow the long series of events that equalisethe balance. Read more about Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse …
A bear insults the young of the wren he believes is king and the wren declares war. All four footed animals prepare to fight all winged animals. Find out who are victorious. Read more about The Willow-Wren and the Bear …
The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright–
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night.
‘Seven in one Blow’ becomes this tailor’s motif after he swats seven flies at once. But thinking he is capable of killing seven men in one blow, people start to fear and respect him. One emperor puts him to the test. Read more about The Valiant Little Tailor …
This poor brother grows the biggest turnip ever seen and offers it to the King, who in return awards great wealth. His rich brother is jealous and tries his own luck. Read more about The Turnip …
Donkey, dog, cat and cock leave home as they are too old to work. They plan to become musicians in the town, but on the way they find a house that takes their fancy. Read more about The Travelling Musicians …
The Gentleman had never met such silly people as his fiancee’s family, so he sets off to find some even sillier than them before marrying the daughter. Read more about The Three Sillies …
In a village dwelt a poor old woman, who had gathered together a dish of beans and wanted to cook them. So she made a fire on her hearth, and that it might burn the quicker, she lighted it with a handful of straw.
This youth doesn’t know very much and can’t make a living. He is interested in what it is to ‘shudder’ and when his father sends him away to look after himself, he resolves to find out.
The original story of the famous fairy tale by Joseph Jacobs.
The Big Bad Wolf meets his match with the third little pig who lives in a house of bricks, so he tries to lure him out earlier and earlier each day… Read more about The Three Little Pigs …
Three Bears leave their morining porridge to cool as they take a walk in the forest. Meanwhile a naughty old woman ventures inside and helps herself to whatever she can find. What will the bears do when they get back? Read more about The Three Bears …
With the help of a magic cloak and bird heart, this poor huntsman becomes wealthy and sets off to see the world. But when he meets a beautiful woman with a greedy witch mother, things change very quickly. Can he restore his wealth and keep the woman he loves? Read more about The Salad …
There lived an old man in the kingdom of Tess,
Who invented a purely original dress;
And when it was perfectly made and complete,
He opened the door, and walked into the street.
A Silly young Mouse
Ventur’d out of the house,
In spite of his mother’s advice;
And, deaf to regard,
Ran along the farm-yard,
But return’d to the nest in a trice.
A poor peasant goes on his travels with just three pennies. But he offers them to a bird who rewards him with three wishes. Find out how he makes use of them! Read more about The Miser in the Bush …
A silly servant to the great ‘know-all master’ decides to gather some secrets while the master is away.But not knowing the language, he speaks a spell that sends things spiralling out of control! Read more about The Master and His Pupil …
A frog fetches a princess’ ball out of the pond, but she doesn’t keep her side of the promise. So he finds her castle and insists on eating and sleeping there for three nights, as agreed. Read more about The Frog Prince …
Honoured to meet Fox, Cat starts a polite conversation, only to be belittled and embarrassed. But then, fate steps in to make a point. Read more about The Fox and the Cat …
This emperor loves clothes and commissions two men to make him one of their famous suits. It is said that it can only be seen by clever people, so why can no one see it? Read more about The Emperor’s New Clothes …
Having been fired by the king for being too wounded to work, this Soldier wanders into a wood, hungry and thirsty, whereupon he meets a witch. While working for her, he finds a very special blue light! How his life changes! Read more about The Blue Light …
The hedgehog and the tortoise have avoided being ‘lunch’ for the young jaguar as he just can’t tell which is which. Until now. They must learn each others skills if they are to further confuse him and avoid being eaten.
Dummling is the youngest son and is not as strong or clever as his brothers. But he is kinder and this trait leads him on a journey his brothers could only dream of. Read more about The Golden Goose …
Snowdrop is so beautiful that her jealous, evil step-mother tries to kill her. So she runs away and meets an interesting group who look after her. But the step-mother finds out where she is…The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Snow White is so beautiful that her jealous, evil stepmother tries to kill her. So she runs away and meets an interesting group who look after her. But the step-mother finds out where she is…
The wolf helps Old Sultan win the love of his family, only to request help of his own. But Old Sultan cannot help and their friendship takes a knock. Thank goodness the three-legged cat turns up!
Upon finding some money, this poor couple decide to purchase a cow and sell the milk and cheese. But when Mr.Vinegar buys the cow, he becomes distracted and makes a few bad decisions.
When the princess is to choose a husband, she stands her suitors in a line and mocks each of them, calling one ‘Grisly-Beard’. Embarassed by her arrogance, her father determines to marry her to the next man to enter the castle. As it happens, it is a poor fiddler, who walks her through King Grisly-Beard’s beautiful kindom before arriving at his dirty hole.
One morning the old woman made a Johnny-cake, and put it in the oven to bake. “You watch the Johnny-cake while your father and I go out to work in the garden.”
Jack accumulates animal friends on his journey to seek his fortune. Needing a place to rest, he makes a plan to see off some robbers living in a house.
Hans has a very different view on luck and when he sells his silver for a horse, he embarks on a journey that leaves him feeling like the luckiest man in the world!
Catherine is very silly and makes many mistakes, exasperating her poor husband. When she gives away the last of their gold, they head out to get it back, one mistake at a time!
Seeing how well a doctor could live, this poor peasant decides to call himself one too! Now Dr Knowall, he receives a request for help from a rich lord…but does he really know all?